My New Book & 1st Year Anniversary!

Can you believe that 2021 is drawing to a close and 2022 is on a (very) rapidly approaching horizon? For many of us, 2021 was a challenging year not unlike 2020. Here’s hoping that 2022 ushers in an era of greater health, peace, and calm.

It has been some time since I wrote a Bridging Art blog post, and I thank you for your patience. While this letter is long overdue, there are many reasons to celebrate. Here are a few:

1. Bridging Art turns 1 year old today! The business was originally launched on December 10th, 2020. Each of you have played a critical role in helping Bridging Art grow and thrive. Thank you so much for your kindness, encouragement, and support.

2. As of November 22nd, 2021, I published a combination book and journal called (quiet, space). a place for rest, reflection, and creation. This book is designed to help artists and creatives with finding rest and growing their practices, especially in the face of prolonged stress and overwhelm.

You can check it out on Amazon (affiliate link) or Barnes and Noble.

Front cover of (quiet, space). a place for rest, reflection, and creation.  Front cover includes vertical image of landscape with silhouetted mountain and a sky at dusk.

Front cover of (quiet, space). a place for rest, reflection, and creation. Front cover includes vertical image of landscape with silhouetted mountain and a sky at dusk.

Here’s an excerpt from the back cover:

"In this collection of poetry, images, and prompts, Schalk guides you toward making quiet time and space for your creative work, shares thoughts on how to begin if your ideas have run dry, and assists you with seeing the beauty and possibilities inherent in the world around you. In (quiet, space)., you will move through a series of themes designed for close looking and listening such as stillness, movement, fragmented self, innovation, and preserving hope."

3. It’s the holiday season, which beckons us toward generosity. Below, you’ll find a series of gifts hand picked just for you, designed to make your day more joyful:

  • I’ll be gifting a personalized, signed copy of (quiet, space) to one lucky blog reader in early 2022. To enter the drawing, please email me ( with the phrase "I need quiet and space!" before January 1st, 2022.

  • Lastly, a short poem:

an evening snowfall

I lift my face to heaven

flakes are falling stars

Take care and enjoy a merry, healthy, and safe holiday season.

I look forward to seeing you in the new year!


Summer Reading